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Bibliografi - en anglais
de Castoriadis

(1984), Crossroads in the Labyrinth, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press et Harvester Press, 345p.

(1987), The Imaginary Institution of Society, Cambridge, Polity Press et Oxford, Blackwell, 418p.

(1987), The Crisis of Culture and the State, University of Minnesota,Center for Humanistic Studies, 20p.

(1988), Political and Social Writings. I - 1946-1955. From the Critique of Bureaucracy to the Positive Content of Socialism, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 348p.

(1988), Political and Social Writings.II - 1955-1960. From the Workers’ Struggle Against Bureaucracy to Revolution in the Age of Modern Capitalism, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 363p.

(1991), Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy - Essays in Political Philosophy, New York, Oxford University Press, 304p.

(1993), Political and Social Writings. III - 1961-1979. Recommencing the Revolution: From Socialism to the Autonomous Society, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 405p.

(1997), World in Fragments - Writings on Politics, Society, Psychoanalysis, and the Imagination, Stanford University Press, 507p.

(1997), The Castoriadis Reader, Malden, MA and Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell, 470p.

(2002), On Plato’s Statesman, Stanford University Press, 227p.

sur Castoriadis

(2005), "Castoriadis, Bauman and Others", Thesis eleven, critical theory and historical sociology, 83 , November 2005, 3-4, SAGE Publications.

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